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Form & Fb classes

The two related classes Form and Fb are mostly used for rendering HTML form fields, with Form being the abstracted, user-friendly variant, and Fb being the low-level variant. Many Form methods are derived from the underlying Fb methods of the same name.

For example, the method Fb::text generates the minimal HTML required for the input, like the following:

<input class="textbox" type="text" name="some_field" value="">

The corresponding method, Form::text, produces HTML for a label and input, with appropriate classes for CSS styling or JS manipulation, like the following:


<div class="field-element field-element--text field-element--required"><div class="field-label"><label for="field0">Some field <span class="field-label__required">required</span></label></div><div class="field-input"><input id="field0" class="textbox" type="text" name="some_field" value=""></div></div>

We recommend that you always use the Form class.

Important methods that you should be aware of are:

  • Form::loadFromSession, which checks saved session data for form field values and errors associated with form submissions.
  • Form::nextFieldDetails, which sets a friendly name, mandatory status, and optionally brief explanatory text for the next field to be displayed.

A controller method to display a form should create a view which contains the actual form fields, and could look something like this:


// ...
public function displayForm()
    $view = new View('modules/Example/example_form');
    $skin = new View('skin/inner');
    $skin->page_title = 'Example form';
    $skin->main_content = $view->render();
    echo $skin->render();

The view used for the form could look something like this:


use Sprout\Helpers\Form;
Form::nextFieldDetails('Name', true);
echo Form::text('name');
Form::nextFieldDetails('Email address', true);
echo Form::email('email');
Form::nextFieldDetails('Phone number', false);
echo Form::phone('phone');